Rashida Remington is a character from the Disney Channel animated series Big City Greens. She is wife of Russell and the mother of Remy Remington who is the best friend of series protagonist Cricket Green.
Rashida is a very determined woman who always believes that she is in the right. She can be snooty to those she feels are unclean or beneath her, however she is not bigoted and does attempt to be more understanding of those and is willing to correct herself when someone points out her flaws. She ultimately wants what is best for her son Remy and believes that she is not interesting enough for her son and just wants to be closer to him.
Rashida, as well as her husband Russell, resemble older versions of Remy. She is a tall and full looking woman with straight purple hair that goes down to her neck. She has lipstick on and wears a matching light violet coat with a light green undershirt and a golden pearl necklace. She also has small stub earrings.
- Despite not being into football herself, Rashida is shown to be capable of playing it.
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