Remembering is a short film that was released on September 8, 2022 on Disney+. It is directed by Elijah Allan-Blitz and stars Brie Larson and utilizes Augmented Reality.
The story follows a writer who loses a very important idea when her phone rings. Personified as golden light, this lost idea is found by the writer’s inner child, who takes us on a journey through The World of Imagination. It is easy to lose touch with this world, but each of us can be inspired by it—if we just remember.[1]
A Writer sits in her small forest house getting ready to put her idea down on paper, represented by a ball of light that enters her room and circles around her. Just as she is about to write, her telephone rings. Overcome by the ringing, she picks it up to answer it and the ball of light flies away. A little girl, who dresses similarly to the Writer, sits in a field overlooking a lush and fruitful landscape and spots the ball of light crash land nearby. The Girl speaks to the Light who tells it that she is in the land where good ideas go when they are lost and that she will help it find its way back home. The Girl shows the Light the land around them (wherein if the viewer possessed the AR app, the land spills into their room).
After a day of exploring, the Girl tells the Light that sometimes when people grow up they forget good ideas and that they need to learn to remember them. In the morning, they find the house of the Writer and the Girl tells her that she found what she lost, though the Writer seems incapable of seeing it. The Writer realizes that the Girl is her when she was younger, coming to remind her to retain her good ideas from her youth. The Girl tells her that she remembers when she "used to be big" and leaves. The Writer is reunited with the Light and upon entering her home, is implied to finally put it to good use.
- Brie Larson as the Writer and Light
- Dusty Peak as the Girl