"Return to Ursalia" is the forty-seventh episode of the Adventures of the Gummi Bears. It premiered on December 16, 1989, and is the eighth episode of the fifth season. It effectively became the season five finale, when the subsequent episode was later paired with another half-episode segment from the sixth season.
A Gummiscope message by Sir Thornberry lures both the Gummies and Igthorn back to Ursalia, where a new band of Gummies, the Barbics, have taken refuge.
The new tenants, however, are mostly a rather unsociable bunch with a deep hatred for all humans. They seek the ultimate weapon in Ursalia to get revenge on the humans.
And as it so happens, this weapon is close to falling into Igthorn's hands.
- Corey Burton as Gruffi Gummi, Toadwart
- Peter Cullen as Gritty
- Brian Cummings as Grubby
- Walker Edmiston as Sir Thornberry
- June Foray as Grammi Gummi
- Dana Hill as Buddy
- Katie Leigh as Sunni Gummi
- Lorenzo Music as Tummi Gummi
- Pat Musick as Ursa
- Noelle North as Cubbi Gummi
- Will Ryan as Ogres
- Michael Rye as Duke Igthorn
- Paul Winchell as Zummi Gummi
- Zummi, Grammi, Tummi, and Sunni visit Ursalia for the first time; Gruffi and Cubbi had visited the city in "The Road to Ursalia."
- This episode marks the first appearance of the Barbic Gummies Ursa, Gritty, Grubby, Buddy, and the rest of their clan.
- This episode marks Paul Winchell's final performance as Zummi Gummi before the voice artist's hurried retirement. He still voices the character in the next episode, "Never Give a Gummi an Even Break" (which was originally still part of the fifth season, but later paired with "Friar Tum" and officially moved to season six), but that episode's lines had been recorded earlier. Zummi is also given this episode's final, hopeful line.
- Igthorn and Toadie make references to the destruction of the first Gummiscope in "Light Makes Right."
- Igthorn's defeat: He and his Ogres get blown away when Ursa uses the Ursalia Horn.