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The Rhino is the overarching antagonist of Disney's 1996 film James and the Giant Peach.


Physical Description[]

The rhino is a giant black cloud in the shape of a rhinoceros with yellow eyes.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • The rhino is made of clouds, so it probably can't be harmed.
  • The rhino seems to have the ability to control the weather because when it is seen, a strong wind comes and a storm cloud appears; and when it arrives, lightning appears afterward followed by thunder.
  • The rhino also uses fear as a weapon; the more a person fears it, the stronger it gets. In fact, it represents James' fear.


James and the Giant Peach[]

The rhino appeared out of nowhere and ate James' parents, causing him to end up in the hands of his two abusive aunts Spiker and Sponge. It is unknown whether it was once a real rhinoceros when it killed James' parents or if it is just a spirit haunting James (more likely the second one since rhinoceroses are herbivores and do not eat meat).

When James and his bug friends finally reach New York City, the rhino appears (and finds out that James has escaped from Spiker and Sponge) and slows down their progress. Slowly, it approaches the giant peach, using the power of fear. When James manages to muster up the courage to say he is no longer afraid of the rhino, it weakly shoots its final lightning bolt at the giant peach until the clouds (along with the rhino) dissolve away and it dies.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Rhino (James and the Giant Peach).


  • Originally, in the book, the rhino is actually just a normal rhinoceros that had escaped from the London Zoo, though it nevertheless was responsible for killing James' parents (with the book erroneously claiming it ate them).

v - e - d
James and the Giant Peach (video/soundtrack)
James Henry TrotterAunt SpikerAunt SpongeMagic ManCrocodile TonguesMr. CentipedeMr. GrasshopperEarthwormMrs. LadybugMiss SpiderGlowwormRhinoRobot SharkCaptain JackSkeleton Pirates (Parrot Skeleton, Viking, Eskimo, Pegleg, and Duckman) • Craig TrotterRachel TrotterSeagullsRooster
My Name is JamesThat's the Life for MeEating the PeachFamilyGood News
Giant PeachNew York CityThe Empire State Building