This article is about the character from Star Wars Rebels. For other characters who share the same name, see Ryder (disambiguation).
Ryder Azadi (formerly known as Prisoner X10) is a major protagonist in the Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels.
Ryder hailed from the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, where he served as its governor during the early days of the Galactic Empire's rule there. Despite being a member of the Imperial government, Azadi supported underground revolutionary broadcasts that were made by Ephraim and Mira Bridger. As a result of his actions, Ryder was charged with treason and incarcerated in an Imperial prison, along with the Bridgers. Ryder was given the label "Prisoner X10" while he was imprisoned.
Although Ryder served as an Imperial governor, he supported the revolutionary broadcasts made by Ephraim and Mira Bridger, a decision that led to him being charged with treason and incarcerated in an Imperial prison.
Star Wars Rebels[]
Ryder Azadi first appears in Legacy where Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Chopper return to Lothal after separating from Phoenix Squadron. Ryder at first thought the two Jedi and droid were enemies only for Ezra to remove himself as the son of Ephraim and Mira Bridger.
In "Part One: Master and Apprentice", Ryder is revealed to have been reinstated as the Governor of Lothal years after the Empire's defeat. He hosts a celebration in honor of the anniversary of Lothal's liberation from the Empire, but it backfires when Sabine does not arrive to give a speech to the attendees. The next day, Ryder greets Ahsoka Tano and her droid companion, Huyang and informs Sabine that she would want to hear what Ahsoka has to reveal, which is having found a star map to Ezra's location.
- He is voiced by Clancy Brown, who previously voiced Savage Opress in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
- His name in development was Vol Freilus.
- He may have been Arihnda Pryce's immediate predecessor.
- According to the Legacy Episode Guide Trivia section it says that Ryder Azadi's rifle is the same model as Steela Gerrera's sniper rifle from the Clone Wars.
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