"Sandman" is the sixth episode of Disney XD's Spider-Man. It aired on September 16, 2017. It was written by J.T. Krul and directed by Dan Duncan.
While at Coney Island with his classmates, Spider-Man battles Sandman and retrieves a sample of him. When Sandman returns for the sample, he reveals he is trying to reach his daughter Keemia. Spider-Man discovers that Sandman's old boss Hammerhead was behind dumping a ton of sand and toxic waste on him. Both of them work to rescue Keemia from Hammerhead, only to find that the accident that Hammerhead caused also affected Keemia, turning her into Sandgirl. Meanwhile, Gwen, Anya, and Miles work on their analysis of the V-252 for the upcoming Stark Expo where it starts to get attracted to Peter.
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