"See the Sky" is a deleted song from the 2019 film Frozen II which takes place at some time shortly after Elsa and Anna first encounter the two groups in The Enchanted Forest.
The song was not included on any of the film's soundtracks. However, some small scenes from the song are shown in the 2020 documentary series Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II, which was released on Disney+ on June 26, 2020. The song was the last to be cut from the film, following a test screening in March 2019.
Known Lyrics[]
In the documentary, the second and last pages of lyrics for the song appear legible on-screen. Below are the lyrics featured on these pages.
A version of the song is also seen in some short animatic excerpts. Some lines heard in these animatics differ slightly from the written version below, but not enough of the song is heard to create a more complete transcript.
Please understand the hope you bring
Your highness, we've tried everything
We even once tried getting along
Mattias, Yelana: It didn't stick.
Yelana: Nature wields an iron fist
Mattias: You twisted it and caused this mist
Mattias, Yelana: And everything you stand for is wrong!
Anna: Tension.
Ryder: But that's behind us
Ryder, Honeymaren, Soldier: Our words and weapons do no good
Yelana, Mattias: You're the answer...
Yelana, Mattias, Honeymaren, Ryder, Soldiers: ...to a riddle
All: We never understood
Anna: She's just one person!
The gift nature gave us!
Are here to save us!
Use your power, hear our cry!
You're our only hope
To ever see the sky
Our only salvation
Elsa: I want to give this to you!
All (cont.):
Could be the solution
Elsa: I want to give this to you!
Are our resolution
Elsa: I'll do all I can do!
Sky or die!
It's do or die!
Do or die!
Do or die!
Anna: Can we NOT use that word?!
This is the day
To see the sky
You are the way
We're gonna see the sky!
Set us all free
To see the sky
You are the key
We're gonna see the sky!