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I've spent years building Khan Industries into the biggest corporation in the world, and I've discovered that business is like a jungle. You see there are the eaters, and there are the eatens.
―Shere Khan[src]

Shere Khan is a recurring character who appears in The Disney Afternoon animated series TaleSpin. In the series, he is an extremely wealthy CEO of Khan Industries which is the dominant economic force in Cape Suzette, and an antihero.

He is based on the character of the same name from The Jungle Book.


Shere Khan is depicted as a selfish businessman. He is sometimes accompanied by an unnamed emaciated tiger "yes-man" office aide. He takes enjoyment out of running small companies out of business (Higher for Hire is sometimes on his hit list) with a sense of ruthlessness to skirt around the law as he chooses. He also likes to feed tiny insects to the many carnivorous plants he grows in his office. At one point he even hires the Air Pirates to create an artificial oil shortage, so he can extort higher prices from the public in "On a Wing and a Bear".

He has a well-armed air force and navy, complete with battleships. This is mainly to protect his Khan Transport shipping and business interests worldwide. However, he is willing to act nobly at times, such as ordering his forces into the air to protect the city from the Air Pirates, and has shown that he respects Baloo's piloting skills, most notably when he allows Baloo to take over piloting his plane after having all of his pilots replaced with his own robotic pilots; his plane is ambushed by the Air Pirates, and the robotic pilot refuses to deviate from its flight plan due to its programming, causing Baloo to forcefully remove the robot and take control of the plane to evade the foes.

He has an extremely cool and calm personality, rarely (if ever) showing any sort of alarm or surprise, regardless of the circumstances. In fact, when his plane is attacked by Don Karnage's forces in the incident detailed above, he calmly mixes himself a drink as he explains the situation to Baloo.

Other Appearances[]

This version of Shere Khan also makes a cameo in the Bonkers series in the episode "Of Mice and Menace". He appears in a couple of mugshots on a computer, implying that he is a criminal in the series.

This version of Shere Khan also serves as the influence for CEO Carl, the main antagonist of the CGI animated web series Talking Tom and Friends.

Video games[]

Shere Khan serves as the main antagonist of the TaleSpin NES game. In the game he hires Don Karnage and his Air Pirates to stall Baloo's deliveries so he can acquire Higher for Hire and put it out of business.


  • Tony Jay provided the voice of Shere Khan through other appearances until his death in 2006.





External links[]

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TaleSpin Logo
TaleSpin (Videography/Soundtrack) • RebootWalt Disney's World on Ice: Double Feature... Live!Raw ToonageNES gameGenesis gameComic book
BalooKit CloudkickerRebecca CunninghamMolly CunninghamWildcatLouie LamountAirplane JaneClementine ClevengerKatie DoddPrincess GraceKing AmokLotta LamourPrince Nevarhas Bin-BroakBandar-logCaptain William StansburyJoe MageeDoctor CooperRick SkyWhistlestop JacksonMyra FoxworthyDetective ThursdayInspector BurrowOscar VandersnootShere KhanKhan's PilotsDon KarnageAir PiratesIvanod SpigotSergeant DunderJack CaseDaring Dan DawsonAce LondonHeimlich MenudoWeazelGeneral PattonTrader MoeThaddeus E. KlangKitten KaboodleIgnatiusDr. AxolotlDr. ZibaldoBuffy and Muffy VanderschmereDouglas BensonPrince RudolfChancellor TrampleEmperor Wan LoProfessor Martin TorqueSeymourCovingtonMacKneeSheriff Gomer Cleghorn and Deputy WendellCrazy EdieCool Hands LukeHans and Helga
"I Only Have Ice for You" • "Time Waits for No Bear" • "A Touch of Glass" • "It Came From Beneath the Sea Duck" • "The Bigger They Are, the Louder They Oink" • "The Idol Rich" • "Stormy Weather" • "Plunder and Lightning" • "From Here to Machinery" • "Mommy for a Day" • "Molly Coddled" • "Polly Wants a Treasure" • "Vowel Play" • "Bearly Alive" • "Her Chance to Dream" • "All's Whale That Ends Whale" • "The Golden Sprocket of Friendship" • "For a Fuel Dollars More" • "A Bad Reflection on You" • "On a Wing and a Bear" • "A Star is Torn" • "A Spy in the Ointment" • "The Balooest of the Bluebloods" • "A Baloo Switcheroo" • "Whistlestop Jackson, Legend" • "Double or Nothing" • "Feminine Air" • "Last Horizons" • "Flight of the Snow Duck" • "Save the Tiger" • "The Old Man and the Sea Duck" • "War of the Weirds" • "Captains Outrageous" • "The Time Bandit" • "For Whom the Bell Klangs" • "Citizen Khan" • "Gruel and Unusual Punishment" • "Jolly Molly Christmas" • "My Fair Baloo" • "Waiders of the Wost Tweasure" • "Flight School Confidential" • "Bringing Down Babyface" • "Jumping the Guns" • "In Search of Ancient Blunders" • "Louie's Last Stand" • "Sheepskin Deep" • "Pizza Pie in the Sky" • "Baloo Thunder" • "Bullethead Baloo" • "Destiny Rides Again" • "Mach One for the Gipper" • "Stuck on You" • "The Sound and the Furry" • "The Road to Macadamia" • "The Ransom of Red Chimp" • "Your Baloo's in the Mail" • "Paradise Lost" • "The Incredible Shrinking Molly" • "Bygones" • "Flying Dupes"
Cape SuzetteHigher for HireLouie's PlaceWildcat's HouseboatKhan IndustriesThembriaPirate IslandWalla-Walla-Bing-BangMacadamiaTinabulaPanda-La
Spin ItI'm GoneHome is Where the Heart IsSky PiratesMonkey In Your TankFriends for Life
Sea DuckKhan TransportIron VultureSpruce MoosePirate FightersIdol of the Spirit-SwitcherThe Ruby WingsThe Three Bells of Tinabula
See also
The Jungle BookThe Disney Afternoon