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Shimmy Jimmy was, at the time of its introduction, the flagship product of the Har D Har Toy Company. It is described as a "climby toy"; a toy that has a small figure that moves up and down a pole, in this case a monkey up a coconut tree.There was also diffrent Shimmy Jimmy stuff stocked on the shelfs of the Har D Har toy shops, but mainly the climby toy. It was preceded by Climbin' Simon, Ascendin' Brendan, Ladder Man Larry and Climby Jaimie. In the episode "Toy to the World", Phineas and Ferb, finding Jimmy's concept lacking, decide to design a better toy.


Doot do-do-do do do doo

Doot do-do-do doo

Shimmy Jimmy!

He can climb up a tree in nothing flat

Grab a ripe coconut and shimmy right back

He's a real wild monkey

He can swing and dance

You'd better watch what what he's throwing

He ain't wearing no pants

Shimmy Jimmy

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-ah!

Shimmy Jimmy

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-ah!

Man this monkey is the coolest toy around

Doot do-do-do doo

Shimmy Jimmy

Announcer: Another gem from the Har D Har Toy makers!

Hyena : HA Ha HA

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