"Show-and-Tell Shark" is the second half of the second episode in the first season of Stanley.
Stanley has an assignment to bring a really cool animal to show off at show-and-tell. Dennis is excited by the project, until he hears some of Stanley's wild ideas of what he's going to bring. He considers a Tyrannosaurus Rex and an elephant before finally deciding on a shark. Stanley learns, however, that he's neither well-equipped to care for a shark, nor are sharks really the right temperament for animal to bring to school.
Stanley wakes up from his bed in a state of panic. He tells Dennis that he’s supposed to bring in his favorite animal for show-and-tell at school. When he hears the news, Dennis becomes very excited. Stanley, however, is rather distracted, trying to figure out what to bring. At first, he comes up with an idea of bringing a Tyrannosaurus rex to school. However, Dennis states that it wouldn’t be a good idea since the T-Rex is both extinct and too big to the point where it would wreck the school.
Realizing he may be right, Stanley then suggests about bringing an elephant to school. Dennis goes on to say that while there’s still elephants on the planet and they’re smaller than dinosaurs, it’s still too big to fit into his classroom. Stanley is now left in a predicament, so Dennis suggests he thinks about animals that are fish-related. With that in mind, Stanley ultimately decides to bring in a shark. However, Dennis doesn’t even take a liking to that idea and suggests they learn more about sharks in the Great Big Book of Everything.
When looking in the book, they both find many different types of sharks and Stanley decides to go with the Great White Shark. However, Dennis says that a shark would need a giant fish tank as big as his house. So Stanley fills up the entire house with water and puts some salt in it. Afterwards, the sharks come out of the book and eat all the furniture. Seeing this, Stanley begins to have second thoughts about bringing a shark to school. But it then gets worse when the sharks start eyeing Dennis, seeing him as a snack. Stanley gets frightened by that and begins throwing various things at the sharks, but they still look hungry. Finally, as a last resort, Stanley draws a goldfish on a piece of paper and feeds it to the sharks, making them satisfied.
With the sharks having their fill, they get sent back into the book and the house is left to dry. Stanley then apologizes to Dennis since he almost got eaten up, but he still hasn’t figured out what to bring. After going over many of his previous attempts, Stanley begins to realize that Dennis is his favorite animal in the world, and has been the whole time. So ultimately, he decides to bring Dennis to school for show-and-tell, demonstrating many of his backflips and dives.
- Rene Mujica as Harry
- Charles Shaughnessy as Dennis
- Jessica D. Stone as Stanley
- Hynden Walch as Elsie
Featured Animals[]
- Great white shark
Other Animals[]
- Tyrannosaurus rex (imagination)
- Elephant (imagination)
- Piranha (imagination)
- Barracuda (imagination)
- Megamouth shark (Great Big Book of Everything)
- Whale shark (Great Big Book of Everything)
- Hammerhead shark (Great Big Book of Everything)
- Moral: Sometimes the one special thing you’re looking for can be right in front of you.
- Part of the episode with Stanley clapping was used for the music video We Are Family: A Musical Message to All.
- This episode marks the first appearance of Marci and Mimi (as a minor cameo) as well as Stanley’s school, classmates and teacher.
- This episode shares a lot of similarities to Shark-Mad Stanley, one of the original books by Griff that inspired the show.