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Shrunk will be the fourth movie in the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids franchise, following Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves.


The movie will feature an older Nick Szalinski following in Wayne's footsteps as he continues Wayne's size-changing experiments while they both deal with Diane's death. Nick now has two children, Theo, who has a gloomy disposition and is sensitive about his weight, and Maddie, who hosts a YouTube show where she showcases Nick's inventions. His sister, Amy, will also return for this movie.[1][2][3][4][5]



  • The movie marks Rick Moranis' return to acting after several years of retirement.
  • Diane Szalinski's death in this film is very likely out of respect of Marcia Strassman, who originally played the character in the first two films and died in 2014.


v - e - d
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Logo
Honey, I Shrunk the KidsHoney, I Blew Up the KidHoney, We Shrunk OurselvesShrunkHoney, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (episode list)
Disney Parks
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Movie Set AdventureHoney, I Shrunk the Audience
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Wayne SzalinskiDiane SzalinskiAmy SzalinskiNick SzalinskiQuarkRuss Thompson, Sr.Mae ThompsonRuss Thompson, Jr.Ron ThompsonDr. BrainardProfessor FredericksonAntieThe ScorpionTommy PervisDon ForresterGloria Forrester
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid: Adam SzalinskiDr. Charles HendricksonClifford SterlingMandy Park
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves: Gordon SzalinskiPatti SzalinskiJenny SzalinskiMitch SzalinskiRicky King
Honey, I Shrunk the Audience: Gigabyte
See Also
Szalinzki's Shrinking MachineSzalinski's Growing MachineSzalinzki's Shrinking Machine 2.0