"Smells Like Trouble" is the 56th episode of Aladdin that aired on November 15, 1994. It is the 47th episode to air in syndication.
Outside the city gate of Odiferous, two guards are jumping up and down. A peddler shows up and shows them two sticks of peppermint and green eggs with purple spots on them, but the guards want cheese and they kick him out. They then continue jumping, making one the egg crack. At Uncouthma's palace, Uncouthma and Brawnhilda introduce Aladdin and his friends to their son, Bud. Everyone then goes to the fairgrounds to play a "ring a bell" game. Aladdin wants to show Bud that he is tough, but fails.
Meanwhile, the guards from earlier punch the ground with a plate of cheese, making the egg crack open and a lizard comes out of it. It sees the cheese and eats them. The guards try to stop it, but it sprays its breath on their faces, making them unconscious. Back at the fairgrounds, everyone is sitting at tables eating cheese. Aladdin tries to explain to Bud that you can't always rely on strength and sometimes you have to use your brain to fight, but that gets him an odd look by the locals. The lizard smells the cheese and goes to where the smell is. Aladdin sees the lizard and tries to tell everyone about it. Odum, one of the Odiferans, sees the lizard eating one of the cheese. He tries to stop it, but it sprays its breath on him. His face turns the same color as the egg the lizard came out of. Aladdin becomes suspicious, but everyone thinks he's flimsy.
To prove to Bud that he's not flimsy, Aladdin goes to a boxing ring and fights a muscular barbarian named Humongor. While fighting, Aladdin sees the lizard from before, and then Humongor gives him a headlock. The lizard breathes on Humongor's face. As Humongor lifts Aladdin up, he passes out, with his face turning green with purple spots. Uncouthma thinks Aladdin won the fight and gives him a trophy made of cheese. He then sees the lizard eating it and takes it out of there. The lizard breathes on Uncouthma's face and the prince passes out with his face turning the same color.
As Brawnhilda is resting the unconscious Odiferans at the palace, General Gouda and Bud suggest that they smash the lizards, but Aladdin tells them that they can't just stomp on it. Bud thinks the street rat is just afraid. Aladdin has a feeling that the lizards are not residents of Odiferous and he and his friends are going to find out where they come from. They see the peddler's overturned cart. They take the peddler out and see that he's unconscious as well. They find the crack opened egg and see that it's the same color as the face of the unconscious Odiferans. They then go to a building in Odiferous and find Gouda and Bud smashing the lizard. The lizard later wakes up and sprays his breath at Gouda. Aladdin, his friends, and Bud are now surrounded by several other lizards.
Aladdin, his friends, and bud go to the palace and make Brawnhilda watch Gouda as well. She then suggests that Bud saves the day. The boy wants to smash the lizards, but Aladdin has another idea, but tells Bud that he can smash them afterwards. Aladdin throws cheese on the ground to make the lizards eat them. Bud makes a pile of cheese and Genie covers them with peppermint. The lizards get on the pile and eat the cheese. Aladdin makes one of the lizards breath in his face to make sure the plan worked and it did, the lizards' breath now smell better. Bud is angry that he doesn't get to smash the lizards.
Aladdin, his friends, and Bud go to the palace and make the lizards breathe in the unconscious barbarians' faces. The Odiferans wake up. Bud tells Gouda that Aladdin taught him a lesson that he can't always smash and sometimes he needs to think. Uncouthma thanks Aladdin for teaching Bud a lesson and hugs him
- This episode is the only appearance of Uncouthma's son, Bud.