"Snack Attack" is the tenth episode of Season Three of the sitcom Jessie. It aired on March 7, 2014.
Jessie hooks Zuri up with a new girl named Wendy McMillan after seeing a director to get her acting career started. With Jessie she is an angel, but while Bertram is in charge, she tears up the place and wrecks everything. Bertram tries to take care of it, but Wendy hooks Bertram up as well. Zuri tells Jessie she is a monster and wants to stop playing with her. Meanwhile, Emma goes over her limit on her cell phone bill, so Jessie forces her to get a job so she can pay the bill herself. However, when she finds out that her brothers have also set up a booth that sells more nutritious items, Emma's instincts suspect that Luke and Ravi want competition, making her upset and frustrated about her work ethic.