Songs to Sing in the Dark is an animated short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios in the Short Circuit series that was released as a Disney+ exclusive on August 4, 2021.
Two creatures living in the depths of a dark cave engage in a battle of acoustic one-upmanship. As things escalate, they come to realize that they are stronger together.
A small fox-like creature scours an underground tunnel where it encounters a vast wolf-like creature. After scampering away from the snarling, it see a sinister yellow light making hissing snake-like sounds. Skittering away to a supposed stone, the "stone" moves illuminating bright blue light. As the fox runs from that, the blue light approaches then grows. The fox snaps, releasing a red light from itself a ferocious bright red canine creature. They communicate through a series of noises that sound like beats. The fox exhibits red noise that sounds like a bark while the big creature exhibits blue noise that sound like reverberance. The different beats resemble an argument between the two. As they begin to make noise together, the sounds combine into a yellow supernova. The two critters are tired out, the bigger creature hugs the smaller fox. Suddenly, the fox's ears briefly light up red. The two creatures notice a green bird-shaped noise coming out of nowhere. The creatures team up, creating a blue and red dragon sound. As the credits roll, the yellow supernova is seen again with various sounds as the soundtrack.