"Spider-Island" is a five-part episode of the first season of Disney XD's Spider-Man, compromising of the nineteenth to twenty-third episode. The first two parts aired on February 4, 2018, and the third to fifth parts, aired on February 11, 2018. It was written by Chris Cox & Kevin Shinick, Kevin Burke & Chris "Doc" Wyatt, Jacob Semahn, Zach Craley and Kevin Shinick, and directed by Sol Choi and Dan Duncan.
Spider-Man and Miles Morales track down an unidentified villain with spider-powers who steals Peter's experimental stealth suit and equipment from Horizon High and Oscorp Academy. To Spider-Man and Miles Morales' surprise, Gwen Stacy has developed spider powers and has become Spider-Gwen after being exposed to the chemicals from Jackal's altered spiders in the previous episode. With unlikely help from Harry Osborn (whom Gwen convinces to no longer blame Spider-Man for Norman's apparent death), Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Spider-Gwen must stop the unidentified villain from setting off a weapon at the Statue of Liberty. (Part 1)
When everyone in Manhattan starts manifesting spider powers, Spider-Gwen follows Spider-Man into thwarting a robbery by Hydra operative Crossbones. As Anya Corazon starts developing spider powers and gets a hold of them, Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen must help Black Widow track down Crossbones and the Hydra agents when they plan to rob the Vibranium storage vault and deliver the Vibranium to Arnim Zola. (Part 2)
Peter must find a way to cure Gwen Stacy after he finds that she has mutated into a Man-Spider. Things get harder when Kraven the Hunter resurfaces and turns New York into his hunting grounds as part of his latest episode. During this time, Spider-Man, Harry Osborn, Kraven the Hunter, and Anya discover that the Man-Spider who stole Peter's stealth suit was a mutated Norman Osborn. (Part 3)
When more people turn into Man-Spiders, Peter and Harry must battle through an island of Man-Spiders to get to Norman Osborn who appears to be controlling them all as the "Spider King." When their attempted cure only restores Norman's mind and not his body, Peter infuses the antidote with his own blood and reveals his secret identity as Spider-Man to Harry in the process. The boys discover who the real mastermind is. (Part 4)
After being captured, Spider-Man discovered that Jackal had previously captured Miles Morales which explained why he couldn't be reached and also because Jackal considered both of them to be the first Spider Soldiers. In order to cure the Man-Spider population of Manhattan, Spider-Man must lead Miles, Anya, and Harry on a desperate last-ditch effort to stop the Jackal. (Part 5)
See Also[]