"Squadrons" is the first segment of the sixth episode of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It first premiered on May 4, 2023 alongside "Forest Defenders" on Disney+ before making its Disney Jr. premiere on June 2, 2023.
The Jedi are flight testing.
Brightstar learns to fly the Crimson Firehawk under the guidance of Nash Durango. Due to his inexperience, he causes some damage to the starship. Back at the Tenoo Jedi Temple, Master Zia sends Brightstar, Solay and Nubs to collect Jedi Vector trainers from the Mon Calamari Zepher on Tenoo's largest moon. Durango flies her friends there and takes them on a test flight. During the test flight, Brightstar awakens a space slug while attempting a "throttle buster" manuever. After the slug swallows his friends, Brightstar under Durango's guidance leads the space slug on a chase and frees his friends. Master Zia decides the younglings are ready to start flight lessons.
- Jamaal Avery Jr. as Kai Brightstar
- Emma Berman as Nash Durango
- Juliet Donenfeld as Lys Solay
- Dee Bradley Baker as Nubs
- Jonathan Lipow as RJ-83
- Nasim Pedrad as Zia Zanna
- Kai remarks, "Now this is a test flight." This is a reference to "Now this is Podracing" from The Phantom Menace from Anakin Skywalker.
- Both are Young Jedi at the time. Anakin is not yet inducted.