St. Canard is the city in which the animated series Darkwing Duck is set. It is the home of Darkwing Duck, his adopted daughter Gosalyn Mallard, and his neighbors, the Muddlefoots, which includes Honker Muddlefoot, Gosalyn's best friend. It is the second home to his goofy, dim-witted, trusty sidekick Launchpad McQuack. Various villains also live in this city.
In the Darkwing Duck comic book published by Boom! Studios, it is confirmed that St. Canard is located fairly close to Duckburg, where Launchpad previously lived.
In the DuckTales reboot series, it is stated that Duckburg and St. Canard are across from each other separated by a bay. A fictional version of St. Canard is also the setting of the Darkwing Duck TV series seen in the show. Unlike the original series, St. Canard lacked any super villains (or heroes before Darkwing arrived, for that matter) or crime, mainly due to Zan Owlson's successful progressives as the city's newly elected mayor.