Stakar Ogord is a Marvel Comics character that appears in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, played by Sylvester Stallone. He's a legendary Ravagers Captain and leader of the Stakar Ravager Clan
Stakar Ogord was created by Steve Gerber and Sal Buscema.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Stakar was one of the original Ravagers, an extensive collection of mercenary groups roaming the galaxy and undertaking risky jobs for money. He personally rescued Yondu Udonta, one of his original crewmates, from a life of slavery to the Kree. He eventually had a falling out with Yondu, now a Ravager captain, who once had gone against the Ravager code by trafficking children. Years later, Stakar confronted his former friend during a chance meeting on Contraxia. Stakar asserted that Yondu should not consider himself a Ravager because of his betrayal of the code, and then left in disgust.
Shortly thereafter, he learned that Yondu had sacrificed himself in an effort to save the entire galaxy, an act of heroism that effectively atoned for the trafficking of children. Stakar then called for Ravager ships to assemble from all across the galaxy to form a Ravager funeral for their former comrade. Motivated by Yondu's sacrifice, Stakar got his old crew back together.
- In the comics, Stakar Ogord is the biological son of Quasar and Ayesha, but was kidnapped and raised by the Arcturans. After he and his adopted sister and wife Aleta had been merged by the power of the Hawk God, they became the superpowered hero Starhawk, and eventually they joined the Guardians of the Galaxy.
- Stakar Ogord first appeared in the Behind the Scenes feature for Guardians of the Galaxy, as a background character within the mock-up video game that serves as introduction to the different chapters of the feature.
- The fins on Stakar's shoulders are a reference to his costume in the comics.