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Stanley Tiger Tales is a video game released on PC and MAC platforms 2001 based on the Playhouse Disney animated series Stanley. The game was developed by Disney Interactive in association with Artech Studios released in tie-in to promote the animated series during its run on the Playhouse Disney block on the Disney Channel.


Stanley is packing up for the beach with his family and while packing, he becomes worried that he is missing his tiger-themed swimming tube, Theodore. He blames his brother Lionel for taking it, only for Lionel to confirm that he is innocent with Stanley's mother to reminding her son that it was just misplaced, also reminding him not to forget his stuff when packing for the beach. This leads Stanley and Dennis on a search to find Theodore across his house so that Stanley can go to the beach with his family. After packing his stuff for the beach and looking hard around his house, Stanley finally finds his tiger swimming tube, Theodore, and later sets out to go to the beach with his family.


Tiger Tales is presented in the style of a point-and-click game where the player must help Stanley find his tiger floatie, Theodore, across his home. Along the way, clicking on certain areas of the game will occasionally bring Stanley into a fantasy sequence where he would imagine himself as in the exploring a wilderness area or as an animal in the wilderness such as a giraffe or a tiger. In addition to mini-games part of the storyline, there game also features optional activities the player could find when clicking on certain areas like short quiz games where Dennis would ask the player a specific question (for example, which leaf was one of the specific colored caterpillars was on) or in other words, they would find other objects Stanley could interact with. The more the player completes the mini-games and finds animal stickers, the more it would help Stanley find Theodore so he can take the floatie to the beach with him. The game is completed when the player finds Theodore after helping Stanley pack his stuff for the beach.

In addition to these methods, the player can also click on the Great Big Book of Everything where they would learn about animal facts so that they could learn more about the animals by looking at their page entries. Players are also able to collect stickers found within certain areas of Stanley's house, which are required for players to play mini-games found at Stanley's backyard. The Book features animals in ABC order showcasing pictures of animals as well as animal facts showcasing what makes animals unique. In addition, it also helps the player keep track of the stickers they collected.


Several mini-games are encountered in the game, which the player will find along the way by clicking on certain props of the area. Completing these mini-games can help Stanley find the supplies he needs for the beach as well as helping him find Theodore, his tiger floatie. While games can normally be played by default, some of them require collecting animal stickers in order to be played. Mini-games that the player has already played before can also be replayed so the player can earn a better score.

  • Stanley's Giddy-Goat Game: Accessed by clicking on the stool, the layout features Stanley and his father imagining themselves as mountain goats. The player must follow the pattern Stanley's father does by clicking on the ledge where Stanley should jump by repeating the exact pattern. Performing the pattern incorrectly causes the player to restart.
  • Stanley's Leaf Feast: Accessed by clicking on the broom or the hockey stick, Stanley imagines himself as a giraffe eating leaves from a tree. The player must listen carefully to what Dennis is saying by eating the right leaves of specific size and color; otherwise, the player will lose points for eating the wrong leaf if they do not follow the instructions.
  • A-Maze-ing Mouse: To play this game, the player must collect the mouse whiskers and nose so that Stanley can imagine himself as a mouse. The player must move their cursor across the maze to help the mouse find the water bottle. Colliding with the edges of the wall causes the player to start the maze all over again. When replayed, the water bottle will be replaced with a piece of cheese which the mouse can navigate through to eat.
  • Antelope Antidote: Accessed by clicking on the toy antelope on Stanley's bed, Stanley imagines himself pretending to be a tiger stalking an antelope wearing glasses. The player must click on the spots where Stanley would jump while the antelope is grazing on the grass. If the player pounces on a spot when the antelope raises his head, he will see Stanley and the player must start all over again. Pouncing at the antelope's spot results in the player receiving Stanley's sunglasses for the beach.
  • Stanley's Trunk Facts: Accessed by clicking on the toy chest/trunk, the player must figure out the combination of the lock in order to open it. During gameplay, Dennis will ask a question of a specific animal detail (like how many trunks an elephant has or how many tusks an elephant has), which the player must adjust the number on the lock to answer Dennis' question. Once done so, the toy chest is unlocked.

The player must collect animal stickers found across Stanley's house in order to play these mini-games when clicking on these specific entities at Stanley's backyard.

  • Snakes at Stake: Accessed by clicking on the garden hose, the game is presented in the style of a "Snakes and Ladder" game where Stanley imagines himself in a jungle following a snake up a tree. The player must click on the correct numbers suggested by Dennis (represented by individual numbers of numbers with math symbols) to help Stanley follow the snake, as in finding the best number to help Stanley move. Landing on a space with a root causes Stanley to climb upwards while landing on a space with a leaf causes Stanley to climb down.
  • Parrots Pairing Paradise: Accessed by clicking on the robins on the tree, Stanley imagines himself looking at parrots in the jungle. The player must click on the matching parrots perched on a branch.
  • Stanley's Monkey Moves: Accessed by clicking on the treehouse, Stanley imagines himself in the jungle interacting with a monkey. The player must follow the moves in order to mimick the monkey's movements correctly.
  • Crocodile Style: Accessed by clicking on the wading pool, Stanley imagines himself in a jungle swamp full of crocodiles. The player must jump on crocodiles to get to the other side of the jungle by timing their jumps carefully. Crocodiles can submerge underwater after a few seconds, so the player must time their jumps carefully. If Stanley is standing on a crocodile which submerges, the player must start all over again. Small patches of land also appear which the player can jump on during gameplay.

Voice cast[]

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Stanley TV Series Logo
StanleyStanley Tiger Tales
Disney Parks
Playhouse Disney - Live on Stage!
Stanley GriffDennisHarryElsieLionel GriffJoyce GriffMark GriffGrandma GriffPeekyLester GoldbergMarciMimiJaneWalterGreat Uncle StewRockin' RoryLittle DudeOscarMoeMr. GoldbergSamantha GoldbergMs. DiazMaxCathy KirbyTheresa KirbyFarmer JulieBenHarriet
Season One: "Up the Apple Tree / Kangaroo Clean-Up" • "Daddy Pride / Show-and-Tell Shark" • "Bearly Awake / The Eagle Has Landed" • "Watch Out for Lionels / Growing Pains" • "Frog Legs / Whoo's Afraid of the Dark?" • "Tiger Hunt / Monkey Bar Business" • "Camel Commotion / There's Snow Place Like Home" • "A Whale of a Song / Sloth for a Day" • "Busy Busy Octopus / Honest Ostrich" • "Dolphin Talk / Whole Lotta Snakin' Going On" • "Platypus Problems / Rabbit Habit" • "Savanna-Speeders! / Tyrannosaurus Wrecks" • "Hippo Helpers / Where's Stanley?" • "Penguin Party / Leave it to Beavers" • "The Joker / Baby Pictures" • "You've Got Pigeon Mail / It's a Prairie Dog's Life" • "Remembering with Elephants / Garbage Can Bandit" • "Little Dog Lost" • "Snow Monkey See, Snow Monkey Do / Sick Day Stanley" • "The Big Spill / Peekaboo Parrot" • "Gorilla Sleepover / Sea Lion Slip-Up" • "Worms at Work / Caterpillar Countdown" • "In a While, Crocodile / The Color of Stanley" • "Searching for Spring / Save the Bluebird!" • "The Pond Couple / Who's Afraid of Walter Wolf?" • "A Little Squirrel Music / A Boy's Best Friend is His Fish"

Season Two: "Ant Picnic / The Tooth About Teeth" • "Eel-lectricity / Roller Rhino" • "Keep 'Em Flying / Guess What's Coming For Dinner" • "The Really Real Dragon / A Billy Goat for Dad" • "Bloodhound Blues / Clock-a-Doodle-Doo!" • "Mistaken Mermaid / It Pays to Be a Pelican" • "Woodpecker Woes / P.U. Pup" • "Grandma Griff's Mystery Guest" • "Mockingbird Scat / Horsepower" • "Proud as a Peacock / Dances with Flamingos" • "Sunburn Stanley / Time for Toolfish" • "Web Weavers / Muddy Buddies" • "The Robbing Raven / Flashlight Fireflies" • "Mysterious Moe / Spelling Bee Situation" • "Follow the Lemur / Zebra Jigsaw" • "Hummingbird Humdinger / Koala Cuddle" • "Double-Duty Dad / Look Who's Helping" • "Tasmanian Tantrum / Sea Otter Safety" • "Going-Away Goose / Time to Climb!" • "Stanley's Super Spectacles / The Ugly Griffling" • "Doing Like Ducks / Speedy Does It" • "X-Ray X-tra! / Under the Umbrella Bird" • "I Scream for Ice Cream / Snack Savers" • "A Little Nightingale Music / Super Squirrel" • "Outfoxing Lionel / Jackrabbit Hide-and-Seek" • "Me and My Palfish / At the Zoo!"
Season Three: "Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up" • "To Catch a Hamster / Pearls of Wisdom" • "Living with Leopards / A Happy Chinese New Year" • "A Turkey of a Thanksgiving" • "The Way of the Buffalo / Follow That Falcon" • "Shell Game / Sheep and a Haircut" • "No News Like Snow Shoes / Ladybug, Ladybug" • "Curse of the Angry Coral / A Little Bird Told Me" • "Stanley's Great Big Book of Adventure"

The Great Big Book of Everything
My Man StanleyThe Great Big Book of EverythingGoodnight, DennisEveryday is EarthdayWhat Shall We BeWe're BatsGood as GoldNuts About NutsLend a Helping Hand