"Storybrooke Has Frozen Over" is a television special featured as a part of the ABC series Once Upon a Time. It premiered on September 28, 2014, immediately before the fourth season premiere, and is narrated by John Rhys-Davies.
ABC invites new and devoted "Once Upon a Time" viewers to take another look at this popular fantasy series in the new special, “Once Upon a Time: Storybrooke Has Frozen Over,” which will explore the show in a way that will bring new viewers up to date—but which current viewers will also find illuminating – in anticipation of the exciting fourth season premiere. The special will take a look at the role that family plays in the show and never giving up on the ones you love, our heroes’ journey from breaking the curse to the ramifications of magic in our world, traveling to Neverland to save Henry from an evil Peter Pan, their battle with The Wicked Witch of the West upon their return, and the upcoming presence of Elsa, the Ice Queen from Arendelle, in Storybrooke. The special features interviews with executive producers Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz to help tell the story of "Once Upon a Time: Storybrooke Has Frozen Over".[1]
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