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The Stronghold House is the home and headquarters of the Stronghold family of superheroes, Steve, Josie, and Will, located in a rural neighborhood of a small town.

The house study has a secret door that leads into the superheroes' hidden room: the Secret Sanctum, which stores all of the Strongholds' past enemies' weapons, which they collected as trophies, including Royal Pain's Pacifier. The Sanctum can only be accessed through a biometric system.


Steve and Josie are so excited about their son Will starting at Sky High that Steve grants him access into the Sanctum.

While doing homework together, Will confesses to his father that he became a Sidekick after failing power placement. Steve thinks Coach Boomer deliberately failed him and tried to call the school to complain until Will told him he doesn't have any superpowers, with Layla, Ethan, Magenta, and Zach overhearing from the living room.

A few months later, while unintentionally hosting a party for the Hero students, Gwen tells Will that she wishes they could be alone for a moment, and he takes her into the Sanctum. While making out, Speed steals the Pacifier. The next day at Homecoming, Will realizes the Pacifier is stolen and assumes Gwen to be the daughter of Royal Pain. Panicked, he calls Ron Wilson to get a ride to Sky High.

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Sky High Logo
Sky High (soundtrack) • Save U
Will StrongholdLayla WilliamsThe CommanderJetstreamWarren PeaceEthanMagentaZachRoyal Pain/Gwen GraysonLashSpeedPenny LentStitchesAll American BoyCoach BoomerRon WilsonPrincipal PowersFreeze GirlMr. MedullaLarry • Brian • Hamilton • Nurse Spex • Jennie Elast • The Timmermans • Mrs. Malkovich
Sky High SchoolStronghold HousePaper Lantern
The PacifierThe Robot