Suited For the Sea is a 1986 animated educational short created for Epcot's The Living Seas. The short showcases about the history of diving and diving equipment.
In the ocean, two animated fish consisting of a father and a son (named "Junior") see a live-action diver from a distance which the father tells his son that humans come to the ocean in all kinds of ways to see the marine life, the fuel, and mineral sources, as well as the food sources. Junior asks his father to know how long people have been coming down to the ocean which his father replies that people have been coming to the ocean for centuries. Junior's father tells his son that humans a long time ago looked for ways of staying down longer underwater, such as breathing through a reed and below them, humans did not know that reed diving was a bad idea. The next sequence showcases the topic centered around the diving bell which trapped a pocket of air for a human to breathe underwater and the next thing they did was to pump fresh air into the bell and after a few alterations, the diving bell evolved into a diving suit and after a while, people realized that they can use this method when they could their air supply with them using a self-contained diving suit which the suit was heavy. Junior's father continues narrating that what the humans discovered was that a suit was not necessary if they pressurized their lungs, which they supplied compressed air to their lungs at the same pressure as a lung as well as diving mask and flippers to make it easier diving which breathing their compressed air lead to another series of problems: nitrogen. The next sequence seen is a song about the use of nitrogen performed by an offscreen woman.
- This film reuses footage from the Disneyland episode "Operation Undersea".