On the beach, Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Almanda, and Cuckoo-Loca are playing soccer, but Daisy is upset that Armanda always wins. Mickey tells the gang that tomorrow they will be playing Roadster Soccer, and Daisy thinks this is an opportunity to win. Armanda says that her team are a tough team to beat.
The next afternoon at the big game, Billy Beagle explains that the teams will have to go in their roadsters and bop the ball into a goal, and the first team to earn three points wins. Daisy is determined to win, but Cuckoo-Loca reminds Daisy that they are a team, and Minnie adds that it is supposed to be fun. Daisy says that winning is more fun than losing, and that she will do whatever it takes to win. Daisy runs off and scores two goals, but gets frustrated when Armanda steals and makes a goal. Billy tells the crowd that the teams are in a tie, and the next one to get a goal wins the game! Mickey tells the gang that it's tough, but he knows that they can get the last goal. Trying to get Daisy to realize her mistakes, Cuckoo-Loca tells the team that they might win, if someone could remember that they are on a team. However, Daisy tells Minnie to pay attention to the game, and Donald to stop hogging the ball. The team is confused, and Daisy rushes off again.
Armanda asks Daisy if she thought the game was fun, but Daisy replies that it will be fun winning the game. Armanda tells her cousin that winning isn't everything, and Daisy tells her that it is easy for her to say that because she always wins. However, before Armanda can reason with Daisy, the final round starts. Daisy is determined not to let Armanda win again, so she spins around her team... and Team Mickey, getting them all stuck together. Billy says that if this mess isn't straightened out soon, it's game over. Cuckoo-Loca flies over to Daisy and asks what that was about. Daisy says that she got so charged up in winning, and Cuckoo-Loca tells her to charge back in and fix her mess. Daisy hears the words "charge back in" and activates her Snapdragon's full fury. She goes towards the pile of roadsters and presses a button. One by one, she lifts up the roadsters until they are all on the ground. Minnie says that she fixed the game. Daisy tells everyone she's sorry and that she only wanted to beat Armanda. However, Armanda says that she had to practice to beat Daisy when they were kids. They hug and Daisy apologizes for ruining the game, but El Chito says that the game is not off, and Billy Beagle restarts the game. In the final game, Armanda chuckles as she kicks the ball. Daisy says that Armanda shouldn't get too excited, and Mickey and Minnie supercharge. They spin rapidly, confusing the Butterflies. They do their move again, and they manage to score against a super-charged goalie Donald.
This is the first episode where Daisy does her Supercharge all by herself.
Another variant of the Roadster Racers are shown; they are all red.