"Super Goof" is the twenty-third episode of House of Mouse. It originally aired on ABC on February 2, 2002. As the title suggests, it is loosely based on the Super Goof comic books and marks the first animated appearance of Goofy's superhero form from the comics.
Goofy shyly asks Clarabelle if she wants to go to the movies with him later in the week. She says she'd love to, but first she has to check her schedule. Goofy, thinking she's rejecting his invite, dejectedly goes to eat peanuts outside. Suddenly, a meteor hits his peanuts, turning them into super goobers, and the next one he eats turns him into Super Goof. As Super Goof, Goofy shows off all sorts of astounding feats to the crew and audience members, who are all completely unaware as to who Super Goof really is.
A few evenings later, Goofy grows sick of everyone liking Super Goof more than him and decides to discard his super goobers, throwing them in the trash bin. But no sooner has he done this, then another comet shows up in the sky, careening towards the club. Goofy, realizing the situation, goes to get his super goobers, only to see the trash bin being picked up by the garbage truck (which itself then gains super powers). Luckily, he has one last super goober stored in his pocket and uses it to become Super Goof one last time. He manages to catch the comet right when it crashes on top of him and Clarabelle, and then places it in a trash can. Super Goof then asks Clarabelle if she wants to go to the movies with him, but she turns him down because he's too dangerous to be around, and to his personal delight, she tells him she already has a date with Goofy. After Super Goof leaves to go turn back into Goofy, Clarabelle and Mickey find a peanut shell he left behind, which leads them to the incorrect conclusion that Dumbo is Super Goof's secret identity, much to Goofy's irritation ("I may be Goofy, but even I'm not that stupid.").
Featured cartoons[]
Episode Introduction[]
"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Disney's House of Mouse!"
Mickey Introduction[]
"And now, he put the Zip in Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah: Mickey Mouse!"
Today's goofiness was provided by: "Goofy University"