Super Party Time (previously known as Incredibles Super Dance Party) was a live interactive show based on The Incredibles, located in Tomorrowland at Magic Kingdom, as part of the “Incredible Summer” event.[1]
Show summary[]
In the early version, it was an opportunity to dance with Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl and Frozone in Rockettower Plaza Stage.
Later in 2018, the world has once again embraced the Incredibles. In honor of all the good Super Heroes do, Tomorrowland presents the Incredible Tomorrowland Expo, where guests will have the chance to interact with the heroes and, for the first time, Edna Mode, the woman behind the super family’s wardrobe!
And the incredible experiences won’t stop there! Throughout the land, guests will be immersed in the world of The Incredibles with themed décor, sound effects and music, all while interactive dances and super human entertainment take place during the show.