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"Super Squirrel" is an episode of the Playhouse Disney series, Stanley.


Stanley and Lester learn about flying squirrels after discovering that Lester’s new toy can’t actually fly.


The episode starts out with Stanley, Dennis, Harry and Elsie watching television in the kitchen of their favorite superhero; Super Solar Flying Man. Just then, Lester arrives rather excitedly. Once Stanley lets him inside, Lester shows him the new Super Solar Flying Man action figure he just got (as seen on TV). Upon opening the box, the two are excited and imagine all the stuff they can do with it. However, when Lester lets go of the toy, it just falls to the floor. The boys are left confused, thinking it’s supposed to be flying around, but instead, it just sits still. Just then, the commercial for the toy comes on. When watching it, Lester is still confused until Stanley points out that a girl in the commercial was holding the toy the whole time, making it seem like it was flying, only they didn’t notice until the very end. This makes Lester even more upset and disappointed that his new toy can’t fly. Before anyone decides to get rid of it, Stanley wonders if there’s a way to get the toy to fly, but Lester is doubtful of that idea, seeing as how it doesn’t have wings. Dennis then points out an animal that is able to soar without wings; the flying squirrel. To find out, Stanley and Lester decide to look it up in the Great Big Book of Everything.

The gang then goes into the book and find themselves in a dark New England forest. Once there, they find a flying squirrel in a tree. While surprised at first, Lester is still confused by how the squirrel can fly without wings. Stanley then takes out the Stan-o-scope and discovers that the squirrel has some loose flaps of skin attached to its limbs called a patagium. Dennis explains that despite the name, the flying squirrel actually glides, allowing it to float down through the air from high altitudes. The boys then realize that being called a flying squirrel doesn’t necessarily mean it can fly. With that in mind, Lester then gets an idea.

Heading back to Stanley’s house, Lester asks Mr Griff for a handkerchief. Stanley is a little confused by what he plans to do with it. In the bedroom, Lester attaches the handkerchief to his new toy and lets it float in the air like a parachute.


  • Stanley
  • Dad
  • Lester
  • Dennis
  • Harry
  • Elsie

Featured Animals[]

  • Flying Squirrel


  • Morals
    • You can’t believe everything you see on television.
    • You don’t need wings in order to fly
v - e - d
Stanley TV Series Logo
StanleyStanley Tiger Tales
Disney Parks
Playhouse Disney - Live on Stage!
Stanley GriffDennisHarryElsieLionel GriffJoyce GriffMark GriffGrandma GriffPeekyLester GoldbergMarciMimiJaneWalterGreat Uncle StewRockin' RoryLittle DudeOscarMoeMr. GoldbergSamantha GoldbergMs. DiazMaxCathy KirbyTheresa KirbyFarmer JulieBenHarriet
Season One: "Up the Apple Tree / Kangaroo Clean-Up" • "Daddy Pride / Show-and-Tell Shark" • "Bearly Awake / The Eagle Has Landed" • "Watch Out for Lionels / Growing Pains" • "Frog Legs / Whoo's Afraid of the Dark?" • "Tiger Hunt / Monkey Bar Business" • "Camel Commotion / There's Snow Place Like Home" • "A Whale of a Song / Sloth for a Day" • "Busy Busy Octopus / Honest Ostrich" • "Dolphin Talk / Whole Lotta Snakin' Going On" • "Platypus Problems / Rabbit Habit" • "Savanna-Speeders! / Tyrannosaurus Wrecks" • "Hippo Helpers / Where's Stanley?" • "Penguin Party / Leave it to Beavers" • "The Joker / Baby Pictures" • "You've Got Pigeon Mail / It's a Prairie Dog's Life" • "Remembering with Elephants / Garbage Can Bandit" • "Little Dog Lost" • "Snow Monkey See, Snow Monkey Do / Sick Day Stanley" • "The Big Spill / Peekaboo Parrot" • "Gorilla Sleepover / Sea Lion Slip-Up" • "Worms at Work / Caterpillar Countdown" • "In a While, Crocodile / The Color of Stanley" • "Searching for Spring / Save the Bluebird!" • "The Pond Couple / Who's Afraid of Walter Wolf?" • "A Little Squirrel Music / A Boy's Best Friend is His Fish"

Season Two: "Ant Picnic / The Tooth About Teeth" • "Eel-lectricity / Roller Rhino" • "Keep 'Em Flying / Guess What's Coming For Dinner" • "The Really Real Dragon / A Billy Goat for Dad" • "Bloodhound Blues / Clock-a-Doodle-Doo!" • "Mistaken Mermaid / It Pays to Be a Pelican" • "Woodpecker Woes / P.U. Pup" • "Grandma Griff's Mystery Guest" • "Mockingbird Scat / Horsepower" • "Proud as a Peacock / Dances with Flamingos" • "Sunburn Stanley / Time for Toolfish" • "Web Weavers / Muddy Buddies" • "The Robbing Raven / Flashlight Fireflies" • "Mysterious Moe / Spelling Bee Situation" • "Follow the Lemur / Zebra Jigsaw" • "Hummingbird Humdinger / Koala Cuddle" • "Double-Duty Dad / Look Who's Helping" • "Tasmanian Tantrum / Sea Otter Safety" • "Going-Away Goose / Time to Climb!" • "Stanley's Super Spectacles / The Ugly Griffling" • "Doing Like Ducks / Speedy Does It" • "X-Ray X-tra! / Under the Umbrella Bird" • "I Scream for Ice Cream / Snack Savers" • "A Little Nightingale Music / Super Squirrel" • "Outfoxing Lionel / Jackrabbit Hide-and-Seek" • "Me and My Palfish / At the Zoo!"
Season Three: "Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up" • "To Catch a Hamster / Pearls of Wisdom" • "Living with Leopards / A Happy Chinese New Year" • "A Turkey of a Thanksgiving" • "The Way of the Buffalo / Follow That Falcon" • "Shell Game / Sheep and a Haircut" • "No News Like Snow Shoes / Ladybug, Ladybug" • "Curse of the Angry Coral / A Little Bird Told Me" • "Stanley's Great Big Book of Adventure"

The Great Big Book of Everything
My Man StanleyThe Great Big Book of EverythingGoodnight, DennisEveryday is EarthdayWhat Shall We BeWe're BatsGood as GoldNuts About NutsLend a Helping Hand