"Swapper" is the forty-second episode of the animated series, Lilo & Stitch: The Series. It aired on November 19, 2004.
Lilo meets a new friend named Victoria who also joins Lilo's hula class. However, Mertle will stop at nothing to try and befriend her so that she will not be Lilo's friend. Lilo then attempts to prove that she's normal by throwing a "Lilo's Not Weird" party. However, an experiment that switches people's minds appears, resulting in Lilo, Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley swapping bodies. From Stitch's body, Lilo must make sure the party is successful while Stitch has to pretend to be her, but nothing goes as planned, especially when Hämsterviel (who has switched bodies with Gantu) arrives. Eventually, Swapper is defeated and saved from Hämsterviel, and Victoria reveals that she enjoyed the party, likes weird and becomes Lilo's new best friend (and first human friend).
- Moral: Be yourself.
- This episode marks the first appearance of Victoria, who is currently Lilo's only human friend.
- This is one of three episodes where Stitch's fur becomes a different color, the other two being "Houdini" and "Ploot". This color change was caused by Jumba's secret ingredient, which he put in Pleakley's lemonade, because changing colors was fun for children.
- Lilo revealed that her favorite color is orange and her least favorite is pink, both of which are coincidentally Victoria's favorite and least favorite colors.
- This is one of two episodes where Reuben does not speak, the other being "Morpholomew".
- Gantu is revealed to be allergic to Hämsterviel's dander while the former was in the latter's body.
- Lilo with Stitch's mind hurt her fist after punching Swapper's container. Thus, Stitch being able to roll into a ball in Lilo's body is impossible, as her spine would have been seriously broken, as well as her hand from punching the container.
- According to Jumba, Swapper once swapped the former and his wife for an entire month, which led to a divorce in the end.
- Jumba revealed that he hinged the roof to keep the repair bills down, due to Gantu constantly ripping it off when he comes for experiments.
Experiments mentioned[]