"Swashbucklers" was a spin-off based on the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. It was originally going to be an animated series based on the franchise (probably to be released in tie-in with Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End), but was ultimately cancelled for unknown reasons. The show was likely going to be centered around Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew on new adventures. Characters who were to appear in this series would have consisted of Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones, Barbossa, Elizabeth Swann, and Will Turner.
Despite the cancellation of the series, various action figures were manufactured by Zizzle from 2007-2008 which were likely made to promote the series under the name Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales: Swashbucklers. Action figures consisted of Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, Barbossa, Sao Feng, and Maccus merchandised as basic figures and in playsets respectively. The only known accessory part of the series was Jack's pirate gear.
Other merchandise depicting artwork in the animated style as Swashbucklers consisted of several coloring books, as well as a CD, and wall decorations which were likely done to promote the series. The products have since been discontinued years later, and thus have become extremely rare.
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