The TIE Defender was a variant of TIE Fighter that was built during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Unlike all other TIE Fighters, it had three wings, missile launchers, and shield generators, making it the most lethal of all the starfighters in the Imperial Navy. Its shield generators were a feature that would later inspire the First Order to arm their own TIE Fighters with shield generators. Originally designed by Morgan Elsbeth, Grand Admiral Thrawn began creating these starfighters to crush the Rebellion, and Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, and secretly Agent Kallus stole the plans and schematics for them from Lothal to prevent their rise.
However, after Arihnda Pryce destroyed Lothal's fuel depot to kill Kanan Jarrus, the project was halted indefinitely. Additionally, the funding for the fighter line was ultimately reassigned for Project Stardust.
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