TaleSpin was a short-lived comic book series published by Disney Comics, based on the animated television series of the same name. It ran for a total of eleven issues, starting with a four-issue mini-series adapting the show's multi-part "origin story" episode, "Plunder and Lightning" (or "Take Off", as the comic adaptation titled it).
Following the positive reception of the mini-series, the TaleSpin comic became an ongoing series starting in April 1991. Bobbi J.G. Weiss was the writer for most of the comic, while the fifth issue was a comic adaptation of the episode "The Old Man and the Sea Duck". From issue #4 onward, the letters page at the end of each issue featured the characters answering the fan-mail.
Unfortunately, due to the Disney Comics Implosion in late 1991, the TaleSpin comic was cancelled after only seven issues had been published. As a result of this, several planned stories that were to have revealed previously unseen background information on the characters; for instance, the 13th issue was intended to reveal the origin of the Iron Vulture. Issue #7, the final issue to actually be published, notably explored Kit Cloudkicker's backstory and revealed how he joined up with the Air Pirates prior to the beginning of the series' events.