"Teeny Weeny Returns" is the first segment of the ninety-fifth episode of PJ Masks. It premiered on January 25, 2021 alongside "Robo-Wolf", and is the first segment of the seventeenth episode in the fourth season.
Teeny Weeny helps the PJ Masks.
The episode begins with Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos running down Mystery Mountain. Teeny Weeny is meditating in the cave when he overhears that they're planning to cause trouble in the city. He sees An Yu at the pagoda and tells her what the ninjas are doing, but also shares that he feels bad about working with them in the past. He plans to make up for it by helping the PJ Masks in his Splat Monster form.
The next day, Connor, Amaya, and Greg are enjoying their snow cones in town when they see Ninjalino footprints, but no signs of ninja trouble anywhere. That night, PJ Robot indicates that Teeny Weeny is in headquarters, who tells them about how he feels guilty for his past actions. The team comforts him and allows him to help out, and they head off to search for the ninjas.
Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos are planning what to do by the museum. A Ninjalino informs that the PJ Masks are coming, and Teeny Weeny is with them. Night Ninja is disappointed in his betrayal, especially since he liked it when he was in his Splat Monster form. He gets an idea, though, and reads a list of things he needs in an old scroll.
After searching for any ninjas, the PJ Masks offer Teeny Weeny a ride back to the mountain. They are interrupted when the Ninjalinos attack them with Sticky Splats from above. Teeny Weeny transforms into the Splat Monster and fires back mountain splat at them. The Ninjalinos retreat while he returns to normal, and the team commends him, until PJ Robot alerts them that there are ninjas at the museum. Teeny Weeny is determined to stop them, and the team takes off. Meanwhile, a Ninjalino comes back to collect the mountain splat left over from the attack.
The PJ Masks and Teeny Weeny arrive at the museum where the ninjas are attempting to break in. They briefly laugh at Teeny Weeny, who responds by transforming into the Splat Monster and throwing splat at them. The Ninjalinos escape, while Night Ninja jumps to the top of the building. The team and Teeny Weeny follow him inside, while a couple of Ninjalinos return to collect some more splat left behind.
Teeny Weeny attempts to splat Night Ninja, who teases him and tempts him into causing ninja trouble again. The team warns him about going easy on the splat, but he is too angry to hear and accidentally splats them. The Ninjalinos then come to collect Teeny Weeny's splat with their ninja fingers. Night Ninja thanks Teeny Weeny for splatting the PJ Masks, as it brings back ninja memories. He expresses how he is looking forward to making new memories, and the ninjas leave.
Teeny Weeny releases the team from the sticky splats and changes back. He is ashamed of what happened and is angry about Night Ninja teasing him. The team comforts him, saying that Night Ninja is just mad, and he is tricky, knowing that he tricks all of them. PJ Robot suddenly contacts the group; the ninjas are taking Teeny Weeny's mountain splat to the mountain.
The group finds the ninjas in the middle of the bamboo forest, where they are lifted up by the Ninjalinos' ninja fingers. Surrounded by the splat stones formed from Teeny Weeny's splat, Night Ninja shows a new relic called the Stone of Splat, which was from the cave where Teeny Weeny gained his monster powers. He chants a spell in the scroll to activate the relic and lift up the splat stones. With those, he can change into a splat monster himself and splat everything he wants.
The Ninjalinos send the team and Teeny Weeny back to the town and hold down the portal doors with their ninja fingers. Teeny Weeny is the only one to break through, but he is upset that Night Ninja tricked him. The team tells him that they should have seen what the villain was planning instead of being excited about having a Splat Monster. They assure him that he’s become good now, and they are glad to have him with them.
Uplifted by these words, Teeny Weeny transforms into the Splat Monster and pries open the portal. The Ninjalinos hold the PJ Masks down as the group returns, but Teeny Weeny jumps out of the way. Back to normal, he jumps on top of Night Ninja, sending him falling off the rock he is sitting on. Teeny Weeny grabs the scroll, and the stone relic falls on top of Night Ninja, which sends the stone splats crashing into him.
The Ninjalinos drop the PJ Masks and laugh at this occurrence. By Teeny Weeny's command, they roll Night Ninja away, and the mountain is peaceful again. The PJ Masks commend Teeny Weeny as he meditates, and the group proclaims the signature victory phrase.
- Roman Lutterotti as Catboy
- Addison Holley as Owlette
- Benjamin Hum as Gekko
- Juan Luis Bonilla as PJ Robot
- Devan Cohen as Night Ninja
- Unknown as Ninjalinos
- Unknown as Teeny Weeny
- Teeny Weeny makes his returning appearance since "The Disappearing Ninjas".
- Night Ninja introduces the Stone of Splat.