Terrence "Donnie" Maybeck is a 16-year-old from Orlando and one of the main characters of the Kingdom Keepers book series by Ridley Pearson. He is one of the five kids that modeled as DHIs (Disney Host Interactive or Daylight Hologram Imaging) to become holographic guides to the Disney Parks. He is one of the Kingdom Keepers. Their goal is to stop the Overtakers from controlling the parks.
Terry “Donnie” Maybeck: Maybeck is one effortlessly cool guy. He’s very popular with the girls at school – probably due to his sarcastic demeanor and sense of humor. He isn’t always enthusiastic about the DHI adventures and he likes to work alone. He sometimes reacts too quickly. His skepticism makes him the perfect devil’s advocate – Maybeck sees situations in ways the other Keepers don’t always consider.