The Author's Laptop is a computer that was used by the Author in Gravity Falls.
It was found in the Bunker of the author by Soos, and then taken out of the bunker in "Into the Bunker". In "Sock Opera", it was revealed it needed an eight-word password. Dipper tries to find the password, but after too many failed entries, it threatens to erase everything on it in five minutes. Bill Cipher then offers to help Dipper if he gives him something, but then takes controls of Dipper's body and smashes the laptop.
In "Society of the Blind Eye", the twins discover it says "McGucket Labs" and come to the conclusion he was the author of the three journals, although its later revealed that he actually worked with him.
It was later fixed by Old Man McGucket in "Northwest Mansion Mystery", which later revealed an apocalypse coming in 21 hours.
it is last seen in "Weirdmageddon Part 3: Take Back the Falls", being used by McGucket.
Physical appearance[]
The laptop at first appears to look like an old metal suitcase. When it is opened, however, it is discovered that it is an old laptop. Above the screen is a blue sticker that says "PROPERTY OF F" and it is rusted in some areas. Some of the keys are not like a normal computer's keys, as it has a few orange keys and cipher signs on the orange keys as well as some cobwebs dangling on the sides and on the screen.
When it was repaired by Soos, it had tape on two of its corners and a bandage on the screen. After its second repair by McGucket, the case had a much smoother and cleaner appearance, implying parts of it were replaced outright. The handle was wrapped in tape.
The number on the computer is MO52584. McGucket doesn't recall the number having been there before, and is unsure what it means.
- According to Bill Cipher, the password is "gullible".
- In the episode "A Tale of Two Stans", the laptop appears in a flashback. Here, it's labeled as being in its prototype status.
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