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Emmie and Alma's mother where having a yard sale today until Doc brings her toys to life when suddenly Doc also brought a stuffed bunny to life as it was Pickles, Alma's favorite toy as Pickles thinks she's being sold as she tries to run away until Doc explains to Pickles that Alma would never do that as Pickles also discovers that she has no nose.


  • Doc
  • Emmie
  • Alma
  • Emmie and Alma's Mom
  • Lambie
  • Stuffy
  • Hallie
  • Chilly
  • Squeakers
  • Pickles the Bunny (debut)


  • Because You're You
  • I Feel Better


  • Toys that debut in this episode: Pickles the bunny


Lambie: Oh. What is all this stuff?
Stuffy: Yeah. It almost looks like it's a yard sale. Wait. It is a yard sale!
Lambie: Where kids sell the toys they don't want anymore? Doc, you're not gonna...?
Doc: No, no. I'm not selling you. It's Emmie and Alma's yard sale.

Stuffy: Pickles? Isn't that a funny name for a bunny?
Pickles: Yeah, but Alma loved Pickles when she was little. That's when she got me. So she called me Pickles 'cause she loved me too.

Pickles: What is this place? (Gasp) Is this a yard sale?
Doc: It is, but don't worry.
Pickles: Don't worry? I'm in a yard sale! They're getting rid of me! This is the only home I've ever had. I don't want to leave it. I love Alma, and I thought she loved me.

Doc: Why don't you come stay with us? I'd love to have you as a toy.
Pickles: Thanks Doc. But I was loved, and look where it got me. I ended up in a cardboard box with a tag that says I'm for sell for-
Stuffy: 25 cents.
Pickles: 25 cents? That all?

Doc: Pickles, come back!
Lambie: Maybe we should talk to her, stuffed animal to stuffed animal.
Doc: Sounds like a good idea. I'm counting on you guys to bring her to the clinic. I'll be waiting.
Stuffy: You can trust us to do the job Doc. Come on Lambie.

Lambie: Oh Pickles, you need friends right now, and Doc, she's the greatest friend of all.
Pickles: But what if she finds out there's something wrong with me, then she gets rid of me, just like Alma did.
Lambie: Doc would never do that.
Stuffy: She loves us no matter what. That's what good friends do.

Doc: I know Alma, and I know how much she loves her toys. I just don't think she'd get rid of you because of something like a missing nose. I know I wouldn't.
Stuffy: That's good to hear.

Pickles: Doc, you were right. Alma would never get rid of me because of how I look. She loves me because of who I am.
Doc: That's how I feel about my toys.
Stuffy and Lambie: Aw!

Doc: (to Pickles) If you ever need anything, you know who to call.
Lambie: Your friends.
Stuffy: That's us.

