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"The Cavalry Has Arrive" is the forty-seventh and final episode of the Disney+ animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It premiered on May 1, 2024.


Omega and the Batch battle Imperial forces for their freedom.


Omega and the other children escape and free the Zillo Beast, which goes on a rampage through the facility. Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair infiltrate the base but are captured by Hemlock's CX operatives. Echo and Emerie find the children and Emerie takes the others to safety. Echo and Omega free Nala Se, Rampart, and the other clone prisoners. Nala Se goes to destroy the facility's data, to protect Omega and prevent the Empire from using her research, but Rampart kills her and plans to use the research for leverage with the Empire. Before she dies, Nala Se uses a grenade to destroy the data and kill Rampart. Hemlock attempts to convert Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair into operatives, but Echo, Omega, and the other clones free them and defeat the existing operatives. Hemlock takes Omega hostage, but she helps Hunter and Crosshair kill him. They all escape to Pabu, where Emerie decides to join Echo and Rex in helping other clones. Tarkin shuts down Tantiss and diverts its funding to "Project Stardust". Years later, an adult Omega leaves Pabu to join the rebellion against the Empire.


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Star Wars: The Bad Batch
HunterWreckerTechCrosshairEchoOmegaRexWolffeGregorGreyCodyTK TroopersClone TroopersWilhuff TarkinOrson KrennicEmperor's Royal GuardDepa BillabaCaleb DumePalpatineClone X TroopersCham SyndullaHera SyndullaC1-10PFennec ShandAsajj VentressRiyo ChuchiEmerie KarrRoyce HemlockCad BaneCut Lawquane
Season One: "Aftermath" • "Cut and Run" • "Cornered" • "Rampage" • "Decommissioned" • "Battle Scars" • "Reunion" • "Bounty Lost" • "Common Ground" • "Devil's Deal" • "Rescue on Ryloth" • "Infested" • "War-Mantle" • "Return to Kamino" • "Kamino Lost"

Season Two: "Spoils of War" • "Ruins of War" • "The Solitary Clone" • "Faster" • "Entombed" • "Tribe" • "The Clone Conspiracy" • "Truth and Consequences" • "The Crossing" • "Retrieval" • "Metamorphosis" • "The Outpost" • "Pabu" • "Tipping Point" • "The Summit" • "Plan 99"
Season Three: "Confined" • "Paths Unknown" • "Shadows of Tantiss" • "A Different Approach" • "The Return" • "Infiltration" • "Extraction" • "Bad Territory" • "The Harbinger" • "Identity Crisis" • "Point of No Return" • "Juggernaut" • "Into the Breach" • "Flash Strike" • "The Cavalry Has Arrived"

Galactic EmpireConfederacy of Independent SystemsJediSithGalactic Republic
See Also
Star Wars: The Clone WarsLightsaberBlasterImperial Star DestroyerRancor