"The Cellar" is the twenty-first episode of the second season of Disney XD's Spider-Man, and the forty-sixth episode of the series overall. It was written by Shannon Eric Denton and directed by Eric Elrod. It aired on October 27, 2019.
Going on the defensive against Regent, Spider-Man meets with Chief Watanabe and reveals new information he discovered during his fight with Regent, learning that Frostbite, Whirlwind, and Paradox as the owners of the abilities replicated by Regent that he has never encountered before. Taking his mission of rescuing the missing Avengers to The Cellar, Spider-Man discovers Regent is none other than the prison's warden and Watanabe's mentor Augustus Roman and has been using the powers of the various inmates to imprison the missing Avengers in another dimension because of how they arrested his father long ago. Meanwhile, Octavius finally recovers from his coma in time for him and Anna Maria to help Spider-Man by freeing Cloak and Dagger as redemption for his past crimes.
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