The Chang Triplets (Billy, Debbie, and Julie) are three fraternal siblings. One brother and two sisters of an Asian family (most likely Chinese or Korean or both due to their surname), who are straight-A students, usually trying to live up to their father's expectations. They really enjoy academic challenges and showing people up for having talents in other subjects. They even study karate with their uncle.
The Chang Triplets returned in the second season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. In this series, the triplets are less stereotypical and have been given individual personalities, like most female characters on the show, Debbie and Julie were given prominent lips and eyeliner. Debbie even calls out Penny for promoting the "Model Minority" myth. Billy appears to be in a relationship with Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins.
- Lydia Look initially voiced all three triplets in the original series. In the revival, Look only voices Julie. Billy is now voiced by musician Miyachi and Debbie is voiced by Haley Tju, best known for her roles as Karmi in Big Hero 6: The Series and Marcy Wu in Amphibia.
- Coincidentally, Brenda Song, who starred as Anne Boonchuy in Amphibia, appears as Vanessa Vue in Louder and Prouder.
- While the Chang Triplets are clearly Chinese or Korean or a mix of both, their voice actors are not entirely. Haley Tju is partially Chinese, but is also of Indonesian descent. Miyachi is Japanese and Lydia Look hails from Singapore, though they do speak Chinese there.