The Cobra is a character from the Timon & Pumbaa TV series who appears as the main antagonist in the episode "Once Upon a Timon".
The cobra is a dangerous threat to Timon's colony. S/he is cunning and opportunistic, as s/he took advantage of Timon's negligence to kidnap Tatiana.
Physical appearance[]
The cobra is a massive snake. S/he has a long black-scaled body, with a cream underbelly, red nostrils, and dark brown eyes with yellow sclerae.
Role in the series[]
When Timon leaves his guard post to prepare for his date with Tatiana, the cobra sees that the back gate is unprotected. While Timon is taking a shower, the cobra goes in the meerkat colony and kidnaps Tatiana, with everyone believing the princess is dead. When the Duke Meerkat returns, he banishes Timon for leaving his guard post.
After Timon meets Pumbaa, the two see that the cobra has still not eaten Tatiana. Timon tells Pumbaa that if he helps him rescue the princess, he will be accepted to his colony. The cobra then tries to eat Timon and Tatiana, but fails and met it's own end when the cobra accidentally falls into a lava pit and dies.
- The Cobra is the second character in Timon & Pumbaa to die, the other being Ned the Elephant.
- His/her name means 'Snake' in Portuguese.
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