"The Coo Coo Cola Song" is a song from the Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers episode "The Case of the Cola Cult".
A group of mice mistake a Coo-Coo Cola commercial (one that says you don't belong unless you buy the product) and turn it into a literal interpretation, effectively forming a cult around it.
Come along!
You belong.
Feel the fizz of Coo Coo Cola!
It's the cola for makin' you proud.
Take another sip and be one of the crowd!
Feel the fizz of Coo Coo Cola!
Come along!
You belong.
Feel the fizz of Coo Coo Cola!
Get to the store and take all you can carry!
We got the flavors - orange, grape, and cherry.
You belong with Coo Coo Cola!
Come along!
You belong.
Feel the fizz of Coo Coo Cola!
It's bottled in Pensacola.
Come along with Coo Coo Cola!
You belong with Coo Coo Cola!