"The Curse of Castle McDuck" is the twenty-sixth episode of DuckTales.
Scrooge McDuck, his nephews, and Webby visit Scrooge's home of Scotland. When they arrive, everyone is scared of them because they bear the McDuck name.
The kids find out from Scrooge that long ago, the McDucks were chased off by a hound from a curse from the Druids. The nephews and Webby help Scrooge in facing his fears and trying to find the curse. They find out the Druids occupy the Castle McDuck.
Scrooge, the nephews, and Webby come up with a plan to capture the "ghost" hound. Eventually, Scrooge learns that the Druids put the "curse" on the McDucks because the family built the castle on ancient Druid grounds.
In the end, they come with an agreement to time-share the castle.
- This episode reveals some of Scrooge's family history, but how and who ran out the McDucks is depicted differently from Carl Barks' comic "The Hound of the Wiskervilles", which the episode is based on. In the episode, the McDucks were driven off by an actual hound, but in Barks' story, it was a person in a hound costume.
Video releases[]
- DuckTales: Lost World Wanderers
- DuckTales: Lost World Wanderers / Duck to the Future
- DuckTales: Volume 1
External links[]