The Ernest Green Story is a made-for-television movie which follows the true story of Ernest Green (Morris Chestnut) and eight other African-American high-school students (dubbed the "Little Rock Nine") as they embark on their historic journey to integrate Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957.
The film was developed and executive produced by Carol Ann Abrams. Much of the movie was filmed on location at Central High School.
The film had its world premiere at Little Rock Central High School, with an introduction by President-Elect of the United States Bill Clinton. It aired on the Disney Channel on January 17, 1993. Later that year, A.M.L. Productions and the Disney Channel received a Peabody Award for presenting "a story which reminds adults and teaches children about the courageous steps taken toward the elimination of discrimination in American society".
- The original version of the movie includes gospel singer Mahalia Jackson's well-known rendition of the song, Take My Hand, Precious Lord. A subsequent version replaces the song with the hymn, It Is Well with My Soul.
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