"The Fungus Among Us" is the nineteenth episode of 101 Dalmatians: The Series. It aired on September 9, 1997.
Cruella tries to steal a fungus from under the Dearlys' barn to make a perfume, even though it may mean the barn will have to be torn down.
- Early storyboards of this episode show Cruella to be smoking.
- Portions of Cruella's lines are voiced by Tress MacNeille (who also voices Spot's mother, Cornelia) in this episode.
- When Lucky is about to use the hose on Horace and Jasper, he points his paw and says, "Engage!" This is an homage to Star Trek: The Next Generation, with a phrase that Captain Picard tends to use.
- Official storyboards confirm that this is indeed an intentional homage.
- Cruella refers to the Dearly Farm as "Barkingham Palace" like she does in "Home is Where the Bark Is".
- When Cruella is asking what she is paying Horace and Jasper for, this line seems to be voiced by Tress MacNeille (who also voices Cruella in "Close But No Cigar").
- Cruella having a button on her desk that activates a trap door may be an homage to The Simpsons, with Mr. Burns.
- When Horace is chasing the bulldozer, the scene seems to flip horizontally for a second before reverting back to its normal position.
- Dumpling tries flirting with Lucky in this episode.
- Cruella firing her accountant and ejecting him from her building is shown as a clip in Humanitarian of the Year.