"The Good Son" is the tenth episode of Season Five of Disney XD's Avengers Assemble, and the one-hundredth and thirteenth episode of the series overall. It aired on November 18, 2018. It was written by Eugene Son, and directed by Tim Eldred.
While surprised that Baron Zemo is in Black Panther's company, Captain America meets with Black Panther and Shuri to learn about the Panther Key that the Shadow Council used to weaponize a powerful Wakandan artifact before Captain America and Black Panther's grandfather. When the reassembled Panther Key is stolen during a blackout, M'Baku escapes from his cell as White Wolf has his own plans to keep the Panther Key safe which conflicts with Captain America and Black Panther's plans for it.
- James Mathis III as T'Challa/Black Panther
- Daisy Lightfoot as Shuri / Dora Milaje
- Ike Amadi as M'Baku
- David Kaye as Baron Zemo
- Scott Porter as White Wolf/Hunter
- Roger Craig Smith as Steve Rogers/Captain America
See Also[]