"The Horribly Hazardous Heffalumps" is the first original song heard in the film, Pooh's Heffalump Movie. It is performed by Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, and Eeyore (mostly Rabbit and Tigger) as a direct response to Roo's question, "What's a Heffalump?".
A reprise of the song is sung when Pooh and his friends enter the Heffalump Hollow.
In the song, they outline the many horrendous qualities that they believe Heffalumps to have, such as that they have "fiery eyes and a tail with a spike" and that "they'll steal all your honey and eat your last crust." At the end of the song, Pooh and the others crouch together, thoroughly terrified, but the song only excites Roo, who decides that he wants to try to catch one. Later in the film, they all learned that none of these things that they believed about Heffalumps were true, though Roo was the first to find out. He discusses many of the supposed attributes of Heffalumps that he heard in the song and Lumpy says that none of them are true, though likes the idea of a tail with a spike.
This song and the visuals that go with it likely drew inspiration from the classic Pooh song "Heffalumps and Woozles," though due to its somewhat whimsical nature, the images actually presented in "The Horribly Hazardous Heffalumps" are rather less scary by comparison. The characters perform the song with a group of three backing vocalists: Randy Crenshaw, Rick Logan, and Bobbi Page. The music for the song was written by Carly Simon, the lyrics by Brian Hohlfeld and the song was co-arranged by Martin Erskine and David Slonaker.
Rabbit: Everyone knows what a Heffalump's like Tigger: It's got fiery eyes and a tail with a spike Rabbit: With claws on its paws that are sharp as a tack Tigger: And wing-a-ma-things coming out of its back Roo: Out of its back? Rabbit: Well of course, Roo. Precisely. Tigger: Exac-tically! 'Cause its bottom is up and its top’s really down Rabbit: So its nose is its tail or the other way 'round Tigger: Yeah, and it's wide as a river and tall as a tree Rabbit: Imagine gigantic Tigger: And times it by three
Rabbit: It clomps here and there Tigger: And it stomps to and fro Rabbit: It's got three horns above Tigger: And eleven below! Piglet: And those are its good points Pooh: There's much more to know All: About the dreadfully dreaded
Thoroughly three-headed
Horribly hazardous Heffalumps
Roo: Wow! Neat Rabbit: Neat? It is most certainly not neat
Rabbit: Everyone knows that they lurk and they creep Tigger: The best time to see one is when it's asleep Rabbit: If you sneak up behind it and get it to jump Tigger: You can tell which part's heffa Rabbit: And which part is lump!
Chorus: They'll steal all your honey and eat your last crust
They'll stomp on your house till it's nothing but dust
The worst part of all is Roo: They’re different from us?
Rabbit: No time to lose, chin up, tally ho
We’ll never stop till those Heffalumps go! Tigger: The best Heffa-quest, you’ll ever know... All: They’re the dreadfully dreaded
Thoroughly three-headed
Horribly hazardous Heffalumps
They’re dreadfully dreaded
Thoroughly three-headed Rabbit: Massively monstrously Tigger: Unbearably scare-ably All: Horribly hazardous Heffalumps!
The version of the song presented on the album The Best of Pooh & Heffalumps, Too includes an extra opening verse in which Carly Simon performs the same lines which are sung by Rabbit and Tigger regarding how "everyone knows what a Heffalump's like." Additionally, while in the film Roo phrases the line "They're different from us?" as a spoken question, in the soundtrack release, he sings it without a questioning tone.
"Imagine gigantic..."
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