The Hundred-Foot Journey is a 2014 American comedy-drama directed by Lasse Hallström and starring Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Manish Dayal, and Charlotte Le Bon. It is based on the 2010 novel of the same name by Richard C. Morais.
Two restaurants across the street from each other in a French village, a native veteran establishment and a new Indian cuisine place, compete before slowly gaining respect for one another.
- Helen Mirren as Madame Mallory
- Om Puri as Abbu "Papa" Kadam
- Manish Dayal as Hassan Haji Kadam
- Rohan Chand as Hassan Kadam (7 years old)
- Charlotte Le Bon as Marguerite
- Amit Shah as Mansur Kadam
- Farzana Dua Elahe as Mahira Kadam
- Dillon Mitra as Mukthar Kadam
- Aria Pandya as Aisha Begum Kadam
- Michel Blanc as Mayor
- Clément Sibony as Jean-Pierre
- Vincent Elbaz as Paul
- Shuna Lemoine as Mayor's Wife
- Juhi Chawla as Ammi "Mama" Kadam
- The events of the book take place throughout multiple decades, while the film is set in contemporary times.