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The Hunter is a character was cut in the final from Disney's 1985 film The Black Cauldron.


Physical appearance[]

He is a purple "orc-like" creature with blue hair and bull horns. He wears a furry vest, brown boots, and red gloves. Furthermore he wields a spear.


The Black Cauldron[]

It is suppose that the Hunter serve as the Horned King's guard.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Early concept art by Vance Gerry depicted the Horned King himself as a creature of the same type as the hunter (with blue-purple skin and bright blue whiskers) as opposed to a skeletal creature as seen in the final film.

v - e - d
The Black Cauldron logo
The Black CauldronSoundtrackVideo gameChronicles of PrydainVideo
Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingCinderella Castle Mystery Tour
Fireworks: Wonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
TaranPrincess EilonwyFflewddur FflamGurgiDallbenHen WenTalyllynMooseDallben's Farm AnimalsHorned KingCreeperCauldron BornHorned King's GuardsGwythaintsKing EidillegDoliFair FolkOrddu, Orwen, and OrgochThe Hunter (deleted character) • Arawn (deleted character)
PrydainCaer DallbenThe Horned King's CastleMarshes of Morva
The Black CauldronMagic SwordMagic HarpGolden Pelydryn