The Incredibles is an American media franchise created by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures that began with the original 2004 movie of the same name. Both movies were directed and written by Brad Bird, and featured Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, and Samuel L. Jackson as the main cast. The franchise focuses on a family of superheroes known as the Incredibles and takes place in a fictional universe where the Superheroes (also known as Supers) co-exist with society and were banned by the government after a many accidents occurred.
The first film, The Incredibles, was released on November 5, 2004 and received acclaim by critics and audiences, winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. The second film, Incredibles 2, was released on June 15, 2018, received positive reviews like the original movie, and set the record for best opening weekend for an animated film with $183 million. The series has grossed a combined $1.8 billion worldwide.
The Incredibles (2004)[]
Main Article: The Incredibles
The Incredibles is Pixar's sixth film. The movie revolves around Bob and Helen Parr, a superhero couple known as Mr. Incredible and Elasticgirl, who have attempt to live a normal live a normal life with their three children: Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack Parr due to the government forcing supers to hide their powers and act as normal citizens. However, Bob still had a desire to help people, which lead the entire family into a confrontation with a supervillain named Syndrome, a fan-turned foe who wants revenge on Mr. Incredible for turning him down to be his sidekick.
Incredibles 2 (2018)[]
Main Article: Incredibles 2
Everyone's favorite family of superheroes is back in Incredibles 2 – but this time Helen is in the spotlight, leaving Bob at home with Violet and Dash to navigate the day-to-day heroics of "normal" life. It's a tough transition for everyone, made tougher by the fact that the family is still unaware of baby Jack-Jack's emerging superpowers. When a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot, the family and Frozone must find a way to work together again — which is easier said than done, even when they're all Incredible.
Incredibles 3 (TBA)[]
Main Article: Incredibles 3
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