The Kraken is a fictional character in the animated television show American Dragon: Jake Long. It is a magical creature kept in captivity at the Huntsclan Academy which serves as a monster for any Huntsclan member to battle as punishment for infractions[1].
Physical Appearance[]
It is a giant fish monster about the size of a Tyrannosaurus. It has green scales, red eyes, long green hands, sharp teeth, a pink tongue, a yellow belly, and a huge tail with feet.
Magical Powers[]
The Kraken is an amphibious monster able to breathe in water and on land. They are also capable of taking down ships, like most sea monsters. Its red eyes are likely used to see in dark places. They might be also capable of camouflaging by using their top bodies to look like an island to lure their victims.
- The Kraken is considered one of the Top 13 Threats to the Magical Community.
- Most Kraken have been depicted as looking like a giant squid.
- In many folk tales, the Kraken is said to have three huge, identical heads.
- In some tales, the Kraken has 1000 tentacles and 10 mouths.
- The Disney Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean is indeed a giant squid.
- The Kraken is similar to the character Gill in the Disney animated series Kim Possible.
- This version of the Kraken also resembles the one from the original 1981 version of Clash of the Titans, only smaller with a single pair of arms instead of 2.