"Who Wants a Lamby Lamby" is a dance and song that Dipper Pines learned how to perform for his mother. It involves the dancer donning a lamb costume, and singing a small song. Dipper performed the dance during "The Inconveniencing", in order to free Wendy's friends from the ghosts of Pa and Ma, because they demanded a 'funny little dance'.
After Dipper's performance, Ma and Pa stated "That was some fine girly dancing there, boy!". Wendy was also watching from a cabinet in which she was hiding from the ghosts. However, when asked what happened while her friends were trapped, Wendy said that Dipper did a lot of cool stuff rather than the girlish, embarrassing performance; thus redubbing him 'Doctor Funtimes' by Wendy's friends.
On the show's official soundtrack album, the song is inexplicably played backwards.
Well, who wants a lamby, lamby, lamby?
I do! I do!
So, go up and greet your mammy, mammy, mammy.
Hi there! Hi there!
So march, march, march around the daisies.
But don't, don't, don't you forget about the baby!
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