The Legend of Coyote Rock is an animated cartoon from Walt Disney Productions starring Pluto, released August 24, 1945. The plotline of the cartoon short is a parody of the story, which is loosely based on the fairy tale The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids by the Brothers Grimm, which is in turn based on Aesop's fable The Dog and the Sheep.
Sheepdog Pluto protects his flock from a coyote, and carves out a desert landmark in the process.
- Pluto (voiced by Jimmy MacDonald)
- Bent-Tail
- Blackie
- Donald Duck Goes West (1965)
- Disneyland, episode #1.6: "A Story of Dogs" (1954)
- Walt Disney Presents, episode #7.18: "The Coyote's Lament" (1961)
- Good Morning, Mickey, episode #44 (1983)
- Donald Duck Presents, episode #57 (1983)
- Disney's Rootin' Tootin' Roundup (1990)
- The Ink and Paint Club, episode #1.16: "Escapees from the Ark" (1997)
Home video[]
- Walt Disney Cartoon Classics: Pluto (VHS/laserdisc) (1983)
- Pluto's Greatest Hits (VHS) (1996)
- Walt Disney Treasures: The Complete Pluto, Volume 1 (DVD) (2001)
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